Hello friends!
Are you looking for a new dog? Maybe one that’s cool, calm, and kid-friendly? Well, look no further! Today we are going to talk about the coolest dog breeds that you can find across the world. We’re the Ostmo family, and we love learning about countries and people. Our oldest daughter, Melaya, has tons of friends all around the world!
Melaya has always loved dogs and she dreamed of having one of her own. But not all dogs are created equal. Some dogs are super cool and calm, while others can be a bit more high-strung and energetic. At one time Melaya was talking to her friend Alma for some tips about how to take care of a dog properly and she wanted to know more about Alma’s doggie.
Finnish Hounds, a dog breed perfect for first-time owners

Alma is from Finland and she said that her dog was very cool, calm, and playful with her siblings also. She has a Finnish Hound and she said that the breed is known for being good with kids and first-time owners.
Finnish Hounds are a medium-sized breed of dog that originated in Finland. They are known for their long, thick coats and ability to hunt small creatures such as squirrels and hares. They also have a long tail which is usually docked and they are known to be loyal, playful, and energetic animals.
Alma’s parents did good research before getting a Finnish Hound for the family. They say to Alma and her siblings that Finnish Hounds need to be taken on daily walks so that they remain physically active and alert because exercise is a great way to avoid boredom, which can lead to mischievous behavior.
Mischievous behavior in dogs means that they get into trouble by doing things like eating shoes, digging holes in the yard, and chewing on furniture. Alma’s parents said that they were going to have to be very careful when they brought the Finnish Hound home so that they didn’t allow him to do any of those things.
When Melaya saw Almas’ Finnish Hound she thought that it was very cute and that she wants one just like it but maybe in a smaller size.
And actually, we might find one just at more than 4,000 from London, in The Bahamas with our dearest pal Anthony.
The coolest dog breed for you may be closer than what you think

The kind of dog breed that Anthony has can be found anywhere and to most people is considered a stray dog breed but actually, it’s the national breed of The Bahamas. The Potcake dog.
Potcake dogs are the most common dog breed in The Bahamas. Potcakes are mixed breeds of different dogs, mainly from the US Navy and Bahamian Mastiffs who were left behind when the sailors left for home. The name “potcake” comes from the fact that they used to eat their food in a large aluminum pot. The US Navy abandoned the dogs, but they were adopted by Bahamians who called them potcakes because of the way they ate their food.
They look like a cross between a Labrador, German Shepherd, and Basset Hound. Anthony says that when his dad saw the little potcake dog, he felt a strong connection with him. He knew he had found the dog he wanted to help.
Anthony was scared of having a stray dog with him because many people say that they are rebellious and difficult to handle. He was afraid that he would not be able to take care of him, but Marino, the family’s dog, like many Potcake dogs, was very loyal to Anthony and his family.
Potcake dogs love being around people of all ages. They and other stray dogs make great pets because they are friendly, affectionate creatures.
When Anthony told this story to Melaya she learned that giving stray dogs a chance to be in your life is a wonderful experience. If one day you have the chance to adopt a stray dog or cat, do not think twice about it. They will love you forever! Only make sure that you can take care of it properly like Atlas and her furry friend Mounty.
One of the coolest dog breeds: Greenland Dogs

Atlas is another friend of Melaya that lives too far away from us, in the driest, windiest, coldest, and iciest of all continents. The Antarctica!
Atlas said to Melaya that her dad, Kiu, has a Greenland dog and her name is Toya. Greenland dogs are native to Greenland and are the only type of dog that can live in the coldest region on Earth. They are also very strong and loyal dogs. They have thick fur, which makes them look like polar bears. Atlas explained to Melaya that Greenland dogs are used to pull sleds, hunt for food, and protect their families. They are very good at doing this because they are strong and loyal dogs.
Although Toya helps Atlas’ dad with work she has a very pampered life with the family. Toya likes to sleep on Kiu’s bed and sometimes cuddles with him. She also loves toys and her favorite one is a rubber ball that squeaks when she bites it.
Greenland dogs like Toya can be very sweet but they are also very independent. They don’t like to be bossed around and won’t do what you tell them if they don’t want to so Atlas and Kiu needed to train her very well when she’s working.
Only talking about Antarctica made me feel cold, let’s go and get some sun, shall we?
The Pharaon Hound is a very rare breed that you can only find in Egypt

Say hi to Zarr! Our fellow friend from Egypt and his Pharaon Hound Azktar.
Zarr found Azktar at a market when he was just a puppy. He had no idea what breed he was, but he knew that this dog was special! So after a few days of thinking about it and researching online, Zarr found out that Azktar was a Pharaon Hound.
Pharaon Hounds are very rare and are only found in one area of Egypt. They have a very long history with the Egyptians and were their beloved pets. Pharaon hounds are long-limbed, fast dogs whose bodies are designed for running through rough desert terrain.
Among their several distinguishing traits are tan in color and amber eyes. Did you know that Pharaon Hounds have the ability to smile and blush when they are happy or excited? ‘His face glows like a God,’ described Zarr to Melaya.
But don’t forget that a Pharaoh Hound is also very smart. They are able to learn tricks quickly, and they can pick up on new things in just a few days. A Pharaoh Hound also has an exceptional sense of hearing and an even better sense of smell than most dogs!
Zarr’s mother is very proud of the fact that her dog is quite good at doing tricks. And don’t forget to feed Azktar when he’s hungry because he is quite temperamental sometimes. “If Azktar is hungry, he’s very moody. He won’t listen to me, and that makes him even more difficult to train,” Zarr told Melaya.
Watch out then Zarr! You always need to be aware of your dog’s needs, just as you do for yourself. Don’t ever forget that dogs are living beings, just like all of us are, and they deserved to be treated with respect.
Sonia gave Melaya that advice when she told her that she was thinking of getting a dog. Sonia is from Scotland where is pretty popular to see Border Collies.
Always be aware of your pet’s needs like Sonia

She has one named August and his job in Sonia’s family barn is to herd the sheep and cows. Sonia told Melaya that Border Collies are smart, energetic dogs that need a lot of attention. And August is no exception because he loves playing with balls and Frisbees.
Border Collies in Scotland are very popular because they are very loyal and intelligent. They are also great family dogs because they love playing with kids and other pets. But sometimes August can be rebellious, meaning that he doesn’t listen to Sonia all the time. But that’s only because he is so smart and wants to do things his own way sometimes. Her father says that August is like Sonia because of that!
Melaya has a lot of friends who can help her decide which dog breed it’s best for our family. Tell us in the comments which doog breed is your favorite!
Please use @learningtail on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to tell us more about the coolest dog breeds for kids! And if you’re interested in learning more about dog breeds worldwide make sure to download our activity pack! We have flashcards, a learning guide, handwriting sheets, and drawings pages all dedicated to them!
Also, Melaya loves chatting with kids from all over the world! If you want to teach Melaya about where you live or your favorite activities, please tell your mom or dad to get in touch with us on social media.
Ciao friends, until next time!